What would happen if there was no Moon?
If there is no Moon a number of things would happen, and they would all be very bad for life on Earth.
Dark Nights
Nights would be much, much darker. The next brightest object in the night sky is Venus. But it still wouldn’t be enough to light up the sky.
A full moon is nearly two thousand times brighter than Venus is at its brightest. Moon is brightest object in sky. Without moon it will be Venus.
Faster Spin & Shorter Day
Without the moon, Earth will spin faster, a day on earth would only last six to twelve hours. There could be more than a 1,000 days in one year!
That’s because the Earth’s rotation slows down over time thanks to the gravitational force or pull of the moon and without it, days would go by in a blink.
The faster a planet rotates, the faster its winds blow. We see the effects of extreme rotation by looking at Jupiter, which rotates every 10 hours.
A moonless earth would also change the size of ocean tides making them about one-third as high as they are now.
Probably the most devastating effect would be the disappearance of tidal effects.
This would do all sorts of insane and hard to predict things to our weather systems, and possibly our plate tectonics.
I would expect massive hurricanes, temperature fluctuations, ecosystem die offs and possibly a few super volcanoes.
In all likelihood, modern civilization would more-or-less collapse in a few years, but more on that later.
Forget about seeing any lunar eclipses or any solar eclipses without the moon, there would be nothing to block the sun.
Earth Axis
Without a moon the tilt of our earth’s axis would vary over time. This could create some very wild weather.
Right now, thanks to our moon, our axis stays tilted at 23.5 degrees.
But without the moon the earth might tilt too far over or hardly tilt at all leading to no seasons or even extreme seasons.
No calendars are based on month system
Word ‘month’ is stem from word which means moon. Many of calendar are based on changing phase of moon. for example: Chinese, Hindu, and Thai calendars.
There would be a lot less mythology and folk tales as the Moon has played an important part in a lot of cultures.
A lot of human and animal psychology is linked to the moon.
No Life on Earth
Finally and most importantly, the moon protects the earth from asteroids, Ever seen a picture of the backside of the moon?
Every craters on the moon was made by an asteroid that was heading in the direction of the earth, and was pulled into the moon by its gravity.
Most of the craters aren’t very large, but there’s one, called the “South-Pole Atkinson Basin” that is 2,500 kilometers wide, and was formed by an asteroid that was at least 170 kilometers wide.
In comparison, the Chixculub impactor that wiped out the dinosaurs is estimated to have been ~10 kilometers in diameter.
if that asteroid had hit earth, it would have caused the largest earthquake in recorded history (worldwide!) and changed the length of a day by 9.57 seconds.
After the moon’s disappearance, the Earth wouldn’t have the protection of the moon, and could be subject, long-term, to higher impact rates.