Should humans colonize the Moon instead of Mars?
Reasons to colonize Mars instead of the Moon:
Less rocket fuel needed to land.
Has an atmosphere which can be used to produce Oxygen and rocket fuel to return home.
Has much more ice in the soil over much more of the surface.
Lower levels of cosmic and solar radiation.
24.5 hour day matches the human circadian rhythm (lunar days are 709 hours).
Soil is much better for growing plants.
Dust is weathered by the atmosphere making it smooth like on Earth. Lunar dust is razor sharp and abrasive.
Surface gravity is closer to Earth’s gravity — almost certainly physiologically less damaging.
Much more stable surface temperature — the Moon varies between +100c and -180c daily while warmer areas on Mars vary between around +20c and -80c on a seasonal basis.
All resources needed for eventual complete self sufficiency of a large settlement are available.
Long term it is theoretically possible to terraform Mars and give it oceans within a few centuries and a breathable atmosphere within a few millenia. The Moon is too small to hold an atmosphere.
Reasons to colonize the Moon instead of Mars:
Physical proximity makes communication easier — all signals are delayed several minutes between Earth and Mars due to the distance; for the Moon it’s only 1.3 seconds.
Shorter travel time — days instead of months.
Lower minimum cost for an initial manned visit.
The moon is potentially a good target for a practice mission before eventually going to Mars.
It would also be a better target for private space tourist resorts given the much shorter travel time. However, for trying to build an independent permanent colony Mars is clearly the only logical choice.
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