Our moon is located in the habitable zone why did it not transformed like Earth
This is a really fascinating question. The habitability of a planet or moon is based on a few things, but most notable are the size and mass of the body and its distance from the star.
The size and mass of the body determines the kind and thickness of atmosphere it can hold on to at a given distance (and thus temperature) from the star.
So Earth is the right size for life for its distance.
If we were closer to the sun, we’d have to be smaller and have a thinner atmosphere with less CO2 in order to be habitable.
Otherwise, we’d end up like Venus.
Similarly, if we were farther away, we’d need to be bigger and have a thicker atmosphere with more CO2 in order to stay warm.
Otherwise, we’d end up like Mars.
But here’s the thing
planets and moons are almost always different sizes while being almost exactly the same distance from their parent star.
So imagine Mars orbiting the Earth instead of the moon. Mars is probably still too small to be “Habitable” at 1-AU from the sun.
Move the pair close enough for Mars to be habitable, and you’ve gone too close for Earth — we all bake.
Now, if planet and moon were nearly the same size, this might be possible.
But such orbital configurations are less stable than big planet small moon pairings and are less likely to be found.
So is it possible? Sure.
The universe is a really big place. But is it likely? No.
I think that most of the star systems we find with habitable planets will be moonless (two of our inner planets don’t have one) or have trivial moons (like Mars).
Large planets with relatively large moons (like Earth) are likely to be rarer. And even in those cases, one of the bodies is likely to be less hospitable than the other.
Earth has an atmosphere made up mainly of oxygen and nitrogen. The atmosphere of Earth is bound to Earth by gravity. The gravity is due to Earth’s mass.
Earth has a magnetic field that shields us from the harmful radiation from space.
About two thirds of Earth’s surface is covered with water and fresh water is present and available all over the Earth.
The Moon has none of these. Earth literally dwarfs the Moon in size and mass.
The mass of the Moon is only about 1% of that of Earth, and so the gravity on the Moon is only about 16% of that on Earth.
Consequently, the Moon is not able to hold on to any atmosphere.
The Moon does not have a magnetic field, and so it is not protected from the harmful radiation arriving from space.
This electromagnetic field is also necessary to protect any possible life on a celestial body from cosmic rays.
It is also too small to have gravity strong enough to have a breathable atmosphere.There is no water on the Moon.
So the Short answer is it is way too small to hold onto an atmosphere.
The moon isn’t habitable, because it doesn’t have any of the necessary factors for it to be habitable.
First, the moon lacks a magnetic field. Without one, the moon is completely exposed to radiation not only from the sun, but from outer space as well.
Secondly, it has no real atmosphere, which indicates that the temperatures variate, it can be harshly cold as it can be unbearably hot.
Thirdly, it has no water. Water is essential in order for there to be life on a planet. Water is required in order to grow food, and for human’s consumption.
It also lacks oxygen.
So, we simply cannot live on the moon without enough food, water, and oxygen.
For water to be transferred to the moon, a space agency would have to pay a prodigious amount of money.
We can’t really live without supplies on any other planet in our solar system, however, living on the moon can pose threats to humans.
If it were up to a choice of which is the most habitable places in our solar system would be Mars, two of Jupiter’s moons, Europa and Callisto, and one of Saturn’s moons, Titan.
Maybe there are more reasons, however, these are the most basic ones.