Does Venus rise before the sun?
Venus spends 263 days as a morning riser. Right now, Venus rises in the morning.
If you were to watch the horizon at sunrise, tomorrow, you will see Venus appear over the horizon before sunrise, and then disappear in Sun‘s glare when the Sun rises.
It would rise a little later each day, until finally it would rise along with the Sun and so cannot be seen.
For the next 50 days, Venus disappears and cannot be seen in the sky at all. Then, Venus reappears in the evening sky from about January 10th where it remains for another 263-day phase before disappearing below the horizon for 8 days.
At the end of these 8 days, Venus reappears in the morning again, and the cycle continues.
The entire cycle — rising in the morning for 263 days as a morning star, 50 days absent, 263 days as an evening star, and finally, 8 days absent — takes 584 days, an interval also known as the synodic period of Venus.
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